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Coffee collection

SLURP x Coffee Collection

Discovering the World’s Best Single-Origin Coffee

What is Coffee Collection?

COFFEE COLLECTION is a festival-like gathering of coffee lovers based on the concepts of single-origin and global standard coffee. The goal of Coffee Collection World Discover is to gather a collection of the world’s most amazing coffee producers and roasters and have them collaborate in order to discover the best coffee in the world. The COFFEE COLLECTION organized a competition and blind cupping to discover the great producers and roasters and to determine the ”best coffee in the world”.

The top five coffees that made it to the final judging are now being sold exclusively by Slurp. Together with Coffee Collection and the world’s top notch roasters we will lead the enthusiastic coffee lovers to a completely new stage.

Who are the Coffee Collection judges? 

Jooyeon Jeon
World Barista Championship 2019 Champion MOMOS COFFEE

Tetsu Kasuya
World Brewers Cup 2016 Champion Philocoffea

World Brewers Cup 2019 Champion
M2M Coffee


The top 5 coffees

These top-notch competition style coffees made it to the top 5. The coffees are roasted in these roasters: ABOUT US COFFEE, nichi nichi coffee, Coffee Wrights, prism coffee works, philocoffea.


The Champion:
Ethiopia Nigussie Natural

Roaster: Yasunari Sawanoi

Process: Natural
Origin: Ethiopia
Farm: Nigse Gemeda Mude


This excellent coffee has a high flavour and acidity and has the impression of a clean cup despite the natural process.

2nd place:
Ethiopia Nigussie Natural

nichi nichi coffee

Process: Natural
Origin: Ethiopia
Farm: Nigse Gemeda Mude

Ethiopia Nigussie Natural is a wonderful coffee that has a variety of colored fruits such as chocolate, brown sugar, melon, and blueberry depending on the temperature change.

3rd place:
Ethiopia Niguse Gemeda Mude Natural

Coffee Wrights
Roaster: Takuto Sakuihara

Process: Natural
Origin: Ethiopia
Farm: Nigse Gemeda Mude

Ethiopia / Niguse Gemeda Mude / Natural is one of the most complex natural Ethiopian coffees, with floral, sweet spice, blueberry, a hint of citrus, and complex flavors. It can be enjoyed in many different ways, depending on how it is brewed and aged.

  • Loppuunmyyty

    Ethiopia Nigussie Natural CW

    SLURP x Coffee Collective Coffee Wrights Ethiopia Nigussie Natural, 3rd place Production & delivery schedule: This product is available for pre-order until Tuesday 15.3.2022 15.00 Finnish time (GMT+2).
    • Orders to Japan are shipped on Monday 21.3, delivery by Japan Post in 1-3 business days
    • Remaining orders are shipped on Monday 28.3. from Finland
    • Delivery estimate in Finland is 1-3 business days, Europe 4-8 business days and outside Europe 5-20 business days depending on the destination country.
    25,90 sis. alv.

4th place:
Colombia Paraiso 42

prism coffee works
Roaster: Yongjun Cho

Process: Beer yeast fermentation
Origin: Colombia

This coffee has a strong, punchy fruit flavor of peach, papaya, and vanilla with a soft texture. The coffee is fermented using German-derived beer yeast, so you can also detect a faint beer flavor in the aftertaste.

5th place:

Roaster: Sakura Hashimoto

Process: Tetsu process
Origin: Ethiopia

TOMODACHI is the result of a project started by a local farm, a Taiwanese exporter (Tri-Up Coffee), and Philocoffea’s Kasuya to ”make the best coffee possible.”

Flavor notes include raspberry, purple flower, perfume, aromatic, stone fruit, juicy, medium-bodied, chic mouthfeel, melon and sherry.

The winner roasters


ABOUT US COFFEE is a roastery-cafe specializing in specialty coffee in Kyoto. They handle a wide variety of coffee from various production areas, producers, and refining methods, from light to dark roast.

nichi nichi coffee

nichi nichi coffee is a coffee roaster that opened in April 2018 in Kitakata City, Fukushima.

Nichi-Nichi Coffee is named after the Zen expression ”Nichi-ni ze-ko-ni,” which means that every day is a good day.

Coffee Wrights

Coffee Wrights, which is a name that means ”person who makes coffee”. They source and roast coffees that are delicious and enjoyable for you so that you can also enjoy making and drinking delicious coffee as a part of Coffee Wrights.

prism coffee works

Based on their experience in the coffee industry, Prism provides a new perspective on the entire Food &Beverage sector, contemplating various ways to provide positive experiences to our customers.


Philocoffea was coined from the combination of philosophy and coffee. They think deeply about the coffee industry’s possibilities and ideals as a whole while actively working to make them a reality.

Slurp in the media