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SLURP premium Germany light roast prepaid
  • Slurp-2018-03-200g-coffee-bag

SLURP premium Germany light roast prepaid

From: 118,68

Switch subscription

  1. Make the desired changes and press “Confirm Selections”. Next go to checkout.
  2. At the Checkout, you can confirm the new details and finalise the switch.

The changes will come to effect on the next renewal. The next coffee always comes two weeks after a renewal.

Please note: In case you want to change the shipping interval, please contact us through this form or email us at

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SKU: N/A Category:

Additional Information

Order size

200g, 400g, 600g, 800g, 1000g

Brewing Method

Pot Coffee, French Press, Percolator, Chemex, Filter Coffee, Pour Over, Aeropress, Mocca Pot, Espresso, Turkish Coffee


SLURP premium Germany – light roast


Beans, Ground

Subscription period

6 shipments / 3 months, 12 shipments / 6 months, 18 shipments / 9 months, 24 shipments / 12 months, 26 shipments / 12 months


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