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German Roasters

German Roasters
24.07.2023 Elina Viiala


We welcome you to explore our German roasteries.

We work with top artisan roasters to provide you with one delicious, sustainably produced coffee after another. Now we introduce you to some great SLURP collaborative roasters from Germany.


Populus Coffee is a family-owned, independent specialty coffee company with strong roots in the Nordic and a home in Neukölln, Berlin. They roast and brew exceptional, exciting and experimental coffees from some of the best producers in the world.

Populus was founded in 2015 by a Finnish couple Sari and Henrik Haavisto.

For us, Populus offers a possibility to work according to our own set of ethics, guidelines and philosophy in a trade we love and respect. Specialty coffee is all about relationships , collaboration and commitment for achieving quality as well as economic and ecological sustainability. Our job is to bring the right people together over coffee. Populus thrives to establish a coffee supply chain that generates value to everyone involved in the process of making a seed to taste like a rainbow in your cup.


“Brewing damn fine cups of coffee!”

Main Lane is a progressive and producer focused roaster located in Berlin, Germany. The roastery was founded with the goal to challenge and overcome the common perception of sustainability, the so-called fair trade, and social responsibility.

“We are aiming towards a more holistic approach seeking best practices to implement a coffee supply chain which favors everyone in it and faces the challenges of climate change and an ecologically, economically and socially sustainable work environment.”

Direct partnerships are therefore a key factor to reach that goal. During their journey in the specialty coffee sector, they have already built solid relationships with origins and producers. It is important for the roastery to work with farmers that share the same vision and ideas of sustainability as well as social responsibility.

We are more than keen on giving them the credit and honours they deserve by not only putting their names on the packaging, but by also promoting them to our clients, as well as connecting them with other roasters. We are trying at the moment to build more relationships with several producers from Brazil and El Salvador as well as trying to build new partnerships at other origins. As a sustainable business, not only do we try to do our best in terms of coffee sourcing, but also in the way we work at our coffee shop. We produce as little waste as possible and try to source the rest of our products as regional as it is available.

People behind Main Lane Coffee roasters

Marian and Sebastian originally founded Main Lane in February 2022. Just before founding Main Lane Marian had started with his own coffee bike company called Brühgruppe. His passion for coffee stems from his ten years at a very busy coffeeshop in Berlin-Schöneberg. Since the beginning of Main Lane Marian was the energetic power behind the counter. In October 2022 he got the long desired chance to open his very own coffeeshop. The Brühgruppe Café is now reality and serving Main Lane coffee in the heart of Berlin-Moabit.

Sebastian has been working with coffees since 2013. While he was doing an internship in Brazil and he got in touch with the Almeida family from Paraisopolis. He visited their farm and worked with them during his vacation period. Soon he realized how much heart and soul they put into coffee production and felt in love not only with their coffee but “the coffee life”. At the end of his Masters he wrote his thesis about the promotion of sustainable coffee production and did extensive research about coffee certifications and their impact on farmers as well as the environment. After his studies he worked with the Salvadoran coffee council for three months and learned about coffee production, quality control and roasting from scratch. Back in Germany he worked for several roasteries as a production roaster and green coffee buyer as well as a barista and trainer.

With Marian he is also making the podcast “Doppelshot” which aired for the first time in October 2020 and only took a small break to found Main Lane but they are hoping to continue it in the future. Fynn formed part of Main Lane since the early days and is now a full team member as a barista in their Pop-Up Café as well as organising events and trainings. He is also a Latte artist and the man for good music vibes.


As early as 1892, Leonhard Panholzer and his wife Maria founded a grocery store at the Alter Bahnhof in Partenkirchen, where he also traded roasted coffee from a small, fine Hamburg coffee roastery. At that time it was still a real rarity, because the art of coffee roasting was still largely unknown.

The passion for high-quality coffee has prevailed in the family. A good 120 years later, his great-grandson Leonhard Wild, known as Hardi, took up this idea anew and, together with his wife Stefanie, founded the Wildkaffee Rösterei, the first coffee roastery in Garmisch-Partenkirchen. The company is growing steadily.

Hardi now has support in roasting. Together with Josef Staltmayr, he processes high-quality green coffee, most of which is purchased directly from well-known coffee farmers . The two regularly travel to the coffee plantations to maintain good relationships with the coffee farmers and to check the quality of the green coffee on site .


Kawa Kaffeemanefaktur is a small independent family coffee roasting company, located in Berlin. In 2016 they roasted their very first coffee beans.

We specialise mainly in the roasting of chocolaty coffee. This is also the principle on which we look for our green coffee beans. Thereby we create a balancing act between the classic coffee taste and the modern roasting methods.

At Kawa, the beans are roasted at medium temperatures from 10 min to 16 min (depending on the bean’s requirements) and taken out just after the first crack. Every KAWA Coffee bean gets the treatment it deserves to end up pleasing with its taste. Unpretentiously honest!



The idea of a coffee roastery had been on the mind of Bram de Dehoog, founder of Paso Paso, since 2015, and moving back to Europe at the end of 2021 would be the perfect timing to launch the project. Bram had been travelling in Central America at the time, and in conversations had made friends with coffee producers, which led to the idea of setting up something together in Germany. At first it was a light joke, but it quickly took on a more serious tone.

Farmer owned coffee – what does it mean?

The company is owned by coffee farmers, together with founder Bram and strategic partner Jasper van Gils, who is responsible for branding and marketing. As owners of the company, the coffee farmers are an integral part of the decision-making process and management of the company.

Paso Paso, of course, roasts and sells coffee grown by its shareholders. As part of the company’s rules, any purchase of coffee must make economic sense for both parties. The goal is for the coffee farmers to make a profit twice: first when they export the coffee by selling the raw coffee, and then again after the coffee is roasted and sold in Europe.


Hola! We are David and Ivan and we believe that the cultivation, growth and production of outstanding coffees is a matter of giving and taking for all the people involved. It is from this awareness that we have developed our entrepreneurial attitude. We want economic success for us, our coffee farmers and the regions where our coffees come from. This means sustainability and fairness for us.

Since coffee has always been the passion of the founders David and Ivan, they decided in 2017 to give up their previous careers in large corporations and start their own speciality coffee roasting business. The focus is on real specialities – from very small harvests, lovingly picked by hand.The espresso blends are composed of multi-faceted Arabica specialities and strong, full-bodied Robusta varieties.

The founders of Roestkaffee are committed to finding the best coffees in the world. They have chosen to only roast carefully selected Single Origins or country coffees, some of them directly from their own home country Colombia and other countries in South America. They consciously use their Colombian origins, their deep understanding of the local people and the great privilege of an exchange at eye level in a very targeted way to get actively involved in social projects. With every pack of coffee you buy, you help them to do so.


We first opened our doors in Friedrichshain in 2002 under the name Tres Cabezas. Back then, Specialty Coffee wasn’t a topic the locals really talked about. So our goal was to educate our customers as to the importance of Specialty Coffee, not only in the quality of the coffee they were drinking, but also in the lengthy supply chain, where knowledge and understanding of the product treacle all the way down to farming, processing and cultivation of the raw product.

19grams works with farmers from all over the world who use innovative and sustainable farming techniques to grow high quality, delicious coffees we know you will love. In 2018 they rebranded the company name to 19grams with a cafe in Friedrichshain. They have three other cafés; one in Kreuzberg and two in Mitte, where their new roastery and training lab is located, right in the heart of the great city of Berlin.

Rich, sweet and clean is what we strive for with every batch of coffee roasted at 19grams. To start, this means sourcing the tastiest coffees we can get our hands on from all over the world. Either from producers who we have been working with for many years or from ethical importers who connect us with farmers who are producing beautiful coffees that we haven’t discovered yet. Balance is an integral part and coffees with naturally high acidity (yes that’s natural in many beans) will be roasted and developed so the sweetness, acidity and body of the coffee is in perfect harmony.

Vits Kaffee GmbH & Co.KG

Vits Kaffee roastery was founded in 2006 and is located in the middle of Munich. Their coffee is like their work team and the café’s guests: colourful and diverse, exciting and surprising. In a relaxed and laid-back atmosphere, they want to invite you to immerse yourself in the wide world of coffee. They have combined their roastery and café under one roof, so that anyone visiting can experience both the creation of coffee from the raw bean and the finished drink on site.

The diversity that coffee has to offer is particularly important to us. It can be seen in the abundance of coffees from different countries of origin, in the large number of different roasts and in the wide range of preparation methods: from Ethiopia to Indonesia, from light to dark, from hand-brewed filter coffee to espresso from the espresso machine. Our claim: Highest quality for every taste!

Café Blá

Hi, I’m Jacob, and welcome to Café Blá, our friendly little corner in Munich. It’s a café that has always had delicious coffee at its heart, now we’re starting a new chapter as a speciality coffee brand too. I was already roasting the coffee for Café Blá when the founder, Stephanie Bjarnason, told me she wanted to sell the shop last year. I immediately said I would love to carry on the wonderful work she started. I then went to my boss at Vits der Kaffee and asked if he wanted to be my business partner on the project. Thankfully, he said yes and agreed with my idea to move all the light roasted coffees we were roasting for Vits over to the Blá brand.

So it must be clear that coffee excites Jacob. The aim of Café Blá is to share his excitement and enthusiasm with others! It is simple: carefully sourced, individual and, most importantly, delicious coffees roasted with love and care. Many hands touch the coffee before it gets roasted.

I want to showcase the coffees and the people behind them, highlighting the unique flavours of the different coffee growing regions, varieties and processing methods to do justice to their hard work producing the beans.


Käthe Kaffee’s goal is to give coffee more appreciation, to ensure a fair income for the producers and to make their processes sustainable. Investments in tree planting projects are important to them – “because everyone loves forests.” The roastery operates in Kaiserkiez, Oldenburg, in northwest Germany not too far from the Danish border.

We are Achim & Marcel. We have been working at Café Käthe on Kaiserstraße in Oldenburg for several years. The desire to one day roast our own coffee has been with us from the very beginning. Now we are finally roasting freshly harvested, high-quality specialty coffee for you. We buy coffee as sustainably as possible. That’s why we get our coffees from specialty coffee importers, more and more also through direct trade through Roasters United. Our coffee is “single origin” , so it is traceable to a specific farm, cooperative or region.

As baristas and with our commitment to sustainability, we would like to give coffee more appreciation and enjoyment having regard to the eco-social challenges. We have adapted our corporate strategy and are trying to make our processes climate-neutral in the long term. For us, relying on specialty coffees is the right way to make the cultivation, processing and enjoyment of coffee sustainable for all partners involved.

Wood Grouse Coffee Roasters

Wood Grouse Coffee Roasters is a specialty coffee roastery based in Hannover, Germany, where they collaborate with Panama Coffee and share both their knowledge and equipment.

We are one of the oldest ‘third wave’ coffee roasters in Hannover, at least in our view. So the coffee is of the highest quality, but the beans can also be easily traced back to the farm, and the sale of the coffee is of real benefit to the farmers who grow it. That’s why we work mainly with Nordic Approach and Quijote Coffee, which are direct importers. We only roast our coffees as dark as necessary and as sharp as possible, so as to enhance the flavour of the variety and keep it as intact as possible. We roast only the highest quality Arabica beans.

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