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Affogato Recipe

Affogato recipe
29.07.2021 jusa.annevirta

Desert for the coffee lovers

Have you ever tried the divine combination of espresso and vanilla ice cream? That is what Italians call “Affogato”, which translates literally into “drowned” or “poached”, referring to the scoops of frozen confection that become drowned in hot espresso.

And here is our simple recipe for making the perfect affogato at home!

Affogato Recipe:

  1. Take a thick glass and fill it with a couple scoops of ice cream. Try to choose a variety without any additional flavours in it, because the pure vanilla aroma is the ideal base to emphasize the flavours of your coffee.
  2. Place a cup under the espresso machine and brew a double shot of espresso.
  3. Pour the espresso over the ice cream.
  4. Make yourself comfortable and enjoy!


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