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#98 Holmen Coffee: Holmen Havana

#98 Holmen Coffee: Holmen Havana
23.10.2018 Maria Ariyo

Shipment #98
SLURP dark


Holmen Havana

Country: Cuba, Uganda, India
Region: Sierra Maestra (Cuba), near Mt. Elgon (Uganda)


Junho Kim


1500-1800 m (Cuba), 1300-2400 m (Uganda), 400-1200 m (India)

Dark, sweet tobacco

smoky wood

nutty aftertaste

Holmen Havana is made primarily from beans sourced from the south-east of the island of Cuba. Coffee is grown on the steep hills of the Sierra Maestra mountain range, in a unique soil mixture of clay and sand. The area is overlooked by Pico Torquino, and this was the starting point of the Cuban revolution in 1956. This coffee is an absolute rarity, as only a few bags are exported every year. Serrano Lavado is a handpicked coffee, fully washed and grown in heights of between 1500m and 1800m.

Ugandan Bugisu AA is grown in the northeast of Uganda in the vicinity of Mt.Elgon national park on heights between 1300 and 2400m, approx. 100km northeast of Lake Victoria. The volcanic soil around Mt. Elgon and the moist climate make it a perfect place for growing coffee. The coffee is grown on smallholder farms of the Bugisu tribe.

Indian Parchment AB robusta is washed and handpicked coffee, grown at heights between 400 – 1200m.

This results in a darkly roasted coffee, with hints of spicy tobacco, nuts, dark chocolate and smokey wood. It’s rich and dark flavour is strong, but with a very little bite in the palate and leaves a long-lasting and pleasant aftertaste of nutty chocolate.

Source: Holmen Coffee


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