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#132 Turun Kahvipaahtimo: Espresso Honduras La Anona

#132 Turun Kahvipaahtimo: Espresso Honduras La Anona
10.02.2020 Maria Ariyo

Grape · Jasmine · Sweet

Espresso Honduras La Anona

Turun Kahvipaahtimo

Roasted: 01/02/2020
Roaster: August Poutiainen

Melvin Donay Flores, 23, is one of the sons of Roman Flores and has just this year joined his father working on the farm. He is responsible for a section of his father’s farm now called La Anona. Roman Flores was the most excited of the producers I met when visiting the different farms we are buying from in Intibuca in 2018. He has also continually reinvested what he has made back into building infrastructure on his farm and processing on-site. Now he has begun passing his skills onto his sons.

Country: Honduras
Region: Pozo Negro, Masaquara, Intibuca
Farm: La Anona
Farmer: Melvin Donay Flores
Varieties: Catuai
Growing Altitude (MASL): 1700m
Processing: Washed


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