SLURP coffee experience – eGift card
Coffee Subscription Gifts, SLURP subscriptionsGive the SLURP subscription as a gift! The electronic gift card will be delivered right away either to your email address or straight to the recipient. The receiver of the gift card can make a subscription according to the value of the gift card. If you received a coffee gift card and would like to redeem it, start by clicking here. In case you want a physical gift card sent via post, select this product instead.From: 28,76€ -
SLURP original prepaid – gift
Gifts, SLURP subscriptionsSLURP coffee experience is a gift that delights long after gifting. Every two weeks, the recipient will get a new coffee from varying Finnish artisan coffee roastery, delivered fresh and straight to mail slot. Here's how to orderFrom: 28,76€- Make selections below. You can also buy a gift card (email or paper) that allows the recipient to make the choices herself.
- After proceeding to the checkout, start by entering your own information, following by the recipients delivery information.
- The first shipment comes automatically. You can ask for another start date in the Order Notes.
SLURP coffee experience – gift card
Coffee Subscription Gifts, SLURP subscriptionsGive the SLURP subscription as a gift! The gift card will be delivered by mail (only inside Finland). The receiver of the gift card can make a subscription according to the value of the gift card with a unique coupon code. If you received a coffee gift card and would like to redeem it, start by clicking here.From: 28,76€ -
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Brazil Dark Roast
Artisan Coffee, Coffee Experience coffees, Kahvikiitos: Coffees, Roasty and smoky, Roger's Coffee, Very dark roast, Espresso roastBrazil Dark Roast is a dark and strong coffee which has a nutty and intensive flavour. This is a coffee to stay awake and have a smile while enjoying it!From: 10,90€ -
Gran Palomar – Dark
Artisan Coffee, Cafetoria Roastery, Chocolaty and nutty, Coffee beans, Dark roast, Ground Coffee, Kahvikiitos: Coffees, Organic coffee, Espresso roastGran Palomar is the crown jewel of Cafetoria Roastery. Coffee is grown in Peru by relatives of Cafetoria Roastery's founder. Sweet chocolate and nuts.From: 10,90€ -
Java Jampit Estate
Artisan Coffee, Chocolaty and nutty, Coffee beans, Dark roast, Ground Coffee, Inka Paahtimo, Kahvikiitos: Coffees, Espresso roastJava Jampit Estate is a dark roasted, rich and soft coffee from Indonesia. In this coffee you can taste notes of dark chocolate.From: 11,90€ -
Decaffeinated Swiss Water Organic
Artisan Coffee, Chocolaty and nutty, Decaffeinated Coffee, Medium roast, MokkamestaritDecaffeinated Swiss Water Mexico Organic is a Mexican organic coffee, and its caffeine has been removed using the Swiss Water method.From: 10,00€ -
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Colombia Dark
Chocolaty and nutty, Coffee beans, Dark roast, Ground Coffee, Kahvikiitos: Coffees, Roger's Coffee, Espresso roastColombia Dark Roast is a pleasant dark coffee originated from Colombia. You can taste hints of berries, dark chocolate and hazelnut in this coffeeFrom: 10,90€ -
Ethiopia Genesis
Artisan Coffee, Cafetoria Roastery, Chocolaty and nutty, Coffee beans, Dark roast, Ground Coffee, Organic coffee, Espresso roastThe chocolatey notes typical for Ethiopian coffee are combined with berry and floral notes in this organic coffee that also has a smooth character.From: 12,90€ -
Espresso Caramelo
Artisan Coffee, Cafetoria Roastery, Chocolaty and nutty, Coffee beans, Dark roast, Ground Coffee, Organic coffee, Espresso roastEspresso Caramelo is a special espresso coffee with intensive and multifaceted caramel, toffee, milk chocolate and tropical fruit flavours.From: 12,90€ -
Peru Tunki
Artisan Coffee, Chocolaty and nutty, Coffee beans, Ground Coffee, Inka Paahtimo, Kahvikiitos: Coffees, Light-medium roast, Medium roastPeru Tunki Microlot is a light-medium roasted, rich coffee from Peru. You can taste nuances of red berries, nuts and chocolate in this coffee.
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Mexico Altura decaf
Artisan Coffee, Cafetoria Roastery, Chocolaty and nutty, Dark roast, Decaffeinated Coffee, Kahvikiitos: Coffees, Organic coffeeMexico Altura is a decaffeinated coffee from the most valued coffee farming area in Mexico. It has flavors of dark creamy chocolate and fresh hazel nuts.From: 11,90€ -
Addis Abeba Organic
Artisan Coffee, Chocolaty and nutty, Coffee beans, Dark roast, Ground Coffee, Mokkamestarit, Organic coffee, Espresso roastAddis Abeba is a very dark roasted, high quality organic coffee from Ethiopia, Yirgacheffe. This coffee has flavours of currants and citrus fruits.From: 11,90€ -
Artisan Coffee, Cafetoria Roastery, Chocolaty and nutty, Decaffeinated Coffee, Kahvikiitos: Coffees, Light roast, Organic coffeeThis decaf light roasted coffee has a taste of chocolate and carob-like sweetness. Lively but gentle acidity.From: 10,90€ -
Hario V60 filter papers 02 (100 pcs)
Hario, Hario V60, AccessoriesThe Hario filter papers are specially designed for the Hario V60. The package includes 100 02-sized filter papers.6,90€ inc. VAT -
Creme de Paris
Artisan Coffee, Chocolaty and nutty, Coffee beans, Ground Coffee, Kahvikiitos: Coffees, Mokkamestarit, Very dark roast, Espresso roastCreme de Paris is a very dark roasted Colombian coffee. You can taste flavours of caramel and nuts in this rich coffee.From: 10,90€ -
Artisan Coffee, Coffee beans, Fruity and sweet, Ground Coffee, Light-medium roast, Nordic Coffee Company, Espresso roastThis year's Hanami is a smooth and round spring coffee with a touch of grapes, green apple and a grapefruit aftertaste.
Artisan Coffee, Chocolaty and nutty, Dark roast, Nordic Coffee Company, Espresso roastThis espresso blend is for lovers of pure 100% Arabica coffee. It has a nice aftertaste and lingers pleasantly in the mouth. The main notes are smoky, dark chocolate with malty notes of sweet nuts in the background.
Gran Palomar – Light
Artisan Coffee, Cafetoria Roastery, Chocolaty and nutty, Coffee beans, Coffee Experience coffees, Ground Coffee, Kahvikiitos: Coffees, Light-medium roast, Organic coffeeGran Palomar light is grown high with the traditional methods from the Incas, in the region between the Andes and Amazon. It is harmonious and a combination of rich softness and refined sweetness.From: 10,90€ -
Artisan Coffee, Coffee Experience coffees, Dark roast, Nordic Coffee Company, Roasty and smoky, Espresso roastA really dark and smooth filter coffee for adult taste. Dark chocolate and smoky flavours dominate this blend. A filter coffee for every occasion.From: 10,90€ -
Artisan Coffee, Fruity and sweet, Medium roast, Nordic Coffee CompanyHelsinki captures the flavours of our capital city, the characteristic acidity and fruitiness of Finnish coffee and gives it its own atmosphere.
Artisan Coffee, Chocolaty and nutty, Coffee beans, Nordic Coffee CompanyThis coffee combines quality beans from areas with high respect for the craft of coffee, nature and the people there. Just like we treat our loved ones.From: 11,50€ -
Brazil Bourbon Estate
Artisan Coffee, Chocolaty and nutty, Coffee beans, Dark roast, Ground Coffee, Kahvikiitos: Coffees, Mokkamestarit, Very dark roast, Espresso roastBrasil Yellow Bourbon is a very dark roasted coffee from Rainha farm. Pulped Natural processed coffee with flavour notes of wine, cacao and raw chocolate.From: 10,00€ -
Digital Precision Scale
AccessoriesPerfect coffee cannot be brewed without precise ratio between water and coffee. Therefore, it is paramount to always measure both the water and coffee with a scale. With Slurp's pocket-sized precision scale you can weigh the water and coffee with more precision and ease as ever before.17,90€ inc. VAT -
Earl Grey Excelsior
Kahvikiitos: Teas, Teas, Théhuone, Flavoured black teaEarl Grey Excelsior is a flavored black tea. It is one of the most famous mixed teas in the world. An English style, full, bergamot flavored tea mixture.6,90€ inc. VAT -
Artisan Coffee, Chocolaty and nutty, Coffee beans, Ground Coffee, Kahvikiitos: Coffees, Light-medium roast, Mokkamestarit, Espresso roastFinlandia Coffee is a high -quality coffee mixture made especially for Finnish taste. This mixture consists of three high quality single-estate coffees.From: 10,20€ -
India Monsoon Malabar
Artisan Coffee, Coffee beans, Dark roast, Ground Coffee, Kahvikiitos: Coffees, Pirkanmaan Paahtimo, Spicy and earthy, Espresso roastIndia Monsoon Malabar has a robust and intense flavour with a rich mouthfeel and a short aftertaste. This coffee works both as a filter coffee and as an espresso.From: 11,90€ -
Peru Amazonas
Artisan Coffee, Chocolaty and nutty, Coffee beans, Ground Coffee, Inka Paahtimo, Kahvikiitos: Coffees, Medium roastPeru Amazonas has been medium roasted, which makes it balanced and sweet with a velvety mouthfeel. Notes of nuts and cinnamon.From: 11,90€ -
Brazil Santos
Artisan Coffee, Chocolaty and nutty, Coffee beans, Dark roast, Ground Coffee, Inka Paahtimo, Kahvikiitos: Coffees, Espresso roastBrazil Santos is a soft, dark roasted coffee with hints of nuts and chocolate.From: 10,90€ -
Aeropress Original
Best Sellers, Brewing productsDo you want to brew smaller quantities of extremely delicious coffee anywhere? The Aeropress is an unique brewing device that has risen to world fame due to producing a very pure and aromatic cup of coffee. With the Aeropress you can brew two cups of coffee in a single go so it's perfect for instance for smaller households.39,90€ inc. VAT -
Cafe Futuro Organic
Artisan Coffee, Chocolaty and nutty, Coffee beans, Ground Coffee, Kahvikiitos: Coffees, Medium roast, Mokkamestarit, Organic coffee, Espresso roastCafe Futuro Organic is a middle -roasted, medium acidic coffee blend which consisting of organic Colombian and Brazilian coffees.From: 9,50€ -
Decaffeinated organic coffee
Artisan Coffee, Dark roast, Decaffeinated Coffee, Organic coffee, Paahtimo Papu, Roasty and smoky, Espresso roastPaahtimo Papu's decaffeinated organic coffee is a chocolaty coffee that can be successfully brewed both as filter coffee and as a base for a cappucino.
Aeropress filter papers (350 pcs)
AccessoriesAeropress filter papers are Aerobie's own paper micro-filters for the renowned Aeropress. The package contains 350 round paper filters.6,90€ inc. VAT -
Peru Yanesha
Artisan Coffee, Chocolaty and nutty, Coffee beans, Dark roast, Ground Coffee, Inka Paahtimo, Kahvikiitos: Coffees, Espresso roastPeru Yanesha is an organic dark roasted coffee from Villa Rica in Central Peru. You can taste nuances of nuts and dark chocolate in this soft coffee.From: 11,90€ -
Quince Sloeberry
Teas, Théhuone, Flavoured black teaBlack, full-bodied tea spiced with hawthorn berries and quince fruit, with rose buds, rose petals and safflower flowers.6,90€ inc. VAT -
Daterra Sweet Collection
Artisan Coffee, Chocolaty and nutty, Coffee beans, Dark roast, Ground Coffee, Kahvikiitos: Coffees, Mokkamestarit, Espresso roastDaterra Sweet Collection is a dark roasted blend from the Daterra farm in Brazil. You can taste caramel and nuts in this rich, low acidic coffee.From: 10,90€ -
Hario V60 Paper Filter 01
AccessoriesThe Hario V60 Paper Filter 01 are cone-shaped white paper filters for Hario's V60 size 01 pour-over brewers. Great for daily use.6,90€ inc. VAT -
Sumatra Mandheling – French roast
Artisan Coffee, Coffee beans, Ground Coffee, Inka Paahtimo, Kahvikiitos: Coffees, Roasty and smoky, Very dark roast, Espresso roastSumatra Mandheling comes from the island of Sumatra. The volcanic environment and the traditional Gilling Basah -processing give the coffee it's characteristic low acidity and rich mouth feel. Intensive coffee that has nuances of spices and liquorice.From: 11,90€ -
The Champagne Black
Kahvikiitos: Teas, Teas, Théhuone, Flavoured black teaThe Champagne Black is a rich, bubbly black tea variety that is flavored with champagne grapes. Mixed in are pieces of strawberry, jasmine flower and cornflower petals.6,90€ inc. VAT -
Artisan Coffee, Chocolaty and nutty, Dark roast, Kahvikiitos: Coffees, Makea Coffee, Espresso roastLounge is a dark roast coffee with a robust taste including chocolate. This Makea Coffee's best seller is also an exceptional espresso.From: 10,90€ -
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Prettea disposable tea bags
Tea EquipmentPrettea t-quick M -package includes 100 handy disposable tea bags. The bags are easy to fill with loose tea.6,90€ inc. VAT -
Sumatra Mandheling
Artisan Coffee, Coffee beans, Dark roast, Ground Coffee, Inka Paahtimo, Kahvikiitos: Coffees, Spicy and earthy, Espresso roastSumatra Mandheling comes from the island of Sumatra. Low acidity and rich mouth feel. You can taste spices and licorice in this dark roasted coffee.From: 11,90€ -
Gran Palomar – Espresso
Artisan Coffee, Cafetoria Roastery, Chocolaty and nutty, Coffee beans, Dark roast, Ground Coffee, Kahvikiitos: Coffees, Organic coffee, Espresso roastGran Palomar espresso is harmonious coffee with a combination of rich softness and refined sweetness.From: 11,90€ -
Artisan Coffee, Fruity and sweet, Kahvikiitos: Coffees, Light roast, Makea Coffee, Espresso roastDisco is a light-roasted and sweet coffee with fruity acidity. Try it as black and surprise yourself with the clean aroma of the high-quality coffee.From: 10,90€ -
Artisan Coffee, Decaffeinated Coffee, Fruity and sweet, Kahvikiitos: Coffees, Makea Coffee, Espresso roastDecaffeinated coffee full of fresh flavours of fig and rhubarb. The Argelia farming community is located in the lush Cauca region of south-western Colombia.From: 10,90€ -
Artisan Coffee, Chocolaty and nutty, Kahvikiitos: Coffees, Makea Coffee, Medium roast, Espresso roastClub is a medium roast, smooth coffee. Taste includes chocolate and sweetness, as an espresso slight fruity acidity as well.From: 10,90€ -
Honduras Marcala Natural
Artisan Coffee, Coffee beans, Fruity and sweet, Ground Coffee, Inka Paahtimo, Kahvikiitos: Coffees, Light roastThis coffee is farmed by smallholders on the slopes of the Montecillos mountains, that have the perfect climate and soil for coffee farming. Honduras Marcala is a light and soft coffee.From: 11,90€ -
Artisan Coffee, Café Nazca, Chocolaty and nutty, Dark roast, Kahvikiitos: Coffees, Organic coffee, Espresso roastThis organic certified coffee is a little fruity and there's notes of dark chocolate, caramel and acidity from apples.
Organic Lavender
Kahvikiitos: Teas, Teas, Théhuone, Organic tea, Caffeine-free tea, Other tea varietiesThis calming tea relaxes, lowers blood pressure and triggers excitement. Fresh or dehydrated tea can be used internally as a soothing herb for insomnia, palpitations and headaches and it also helps with digestion.5,90€ inc. VAT -
Artisan Coffee, Nordic Coffee Company, Roasty and smoky, Espresso roastHabit is a classic North Italian espresso roast. The flavour is warm and full-bodied, with a hint of liquorice and dark chocolate.
Artisan Coffee, Café Nazca, Chocolaty and nutty, Medium-dark, Organic coffeeFounded in 2013, the Asociación de Productores y Exportadores de Café Rodriguez de Mendoza (APOROEXPORT) is a cooperative of 356 small farmers who grow their coffee in the eastern Andean Amazon region of Peru, near the village of Rodriguez de Mendoza. In this coffee, you'll find a rich dark chocolate flavour with the sweetness of brown sugar.
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Colombia Medium
Chocolaty and nutty, Coffee beans, Ground Coffee, Kahvikiitos: Coffees, Medium roast, Roger's CoffeeColombia Medium is a pleasant medium coffee originated from Colombia. You can taste hints of berries, chocolate and white wine in this coffee.From: 10,90€ -
Fig-Pomegranate Rooibos
Kahvikiitos: Teas, Teas, Théhuone, Rooibos tea, Caffeine-free teaFig Pomegranate is a rooibos tea, flavored with soft fig and fruity pomegranate. Also includes cranberry, pomegranate flowers and marigold petals.6,90€ inc. VAT -
Pescado Indonesia
Artisan Coffee, Café Nazca, Coffee beans, Dark roast, Medium-dark, Organic coffee, Spicy and earthyThis smooth coffee has a plummy flavour, orange peel, black tea, spiciness combined with a sweet and delicious acidity.From: 11,90€ -
Ethiopia Natural Benti Nenka
Artisan Coffee, Citrusy and light, Coffee beans, Ground Coffee, Inka Paahtimo, Light roastGuduba Wet Mill processes coffee from 589 smallholder farmers. This coffee with notes of lavender, blueberry and honey has a cupping score of 87.5.From: 12,90€ -
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Artisan Coffee, Café Nazca, Fruity and sweet, Light-medium roastFrom the landscapes of the second deepest gorge in the world, Colca Canyon, this special coffee comes from an excellent growing area.
Mestarin Mokka Organic
Artisan Coffee, Coffee beans, Fruity and sweet, Ground Coffee, Light roast, Mokkamestarit, Organic coffee, Espresso roastMestarin Mokka Organic is a light roasted, soft and rich blend of three Arabica coffees. Mouthfeel is light, low -acidity.From: 9,50€ -
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Peru – Cepro Yanesha
Artisan Coffee, Chocolaty and nutty, Dark roast, Medium roast, Medium-dark, Organic coffee, Paahtimo PapuPeru Cepro Yanesha is an organic, fair trade coffee. This soft medium roasted coffee has notes of chocolate, nuts and fudge with smooth aftertaste.
India Robusta
Artisan Coffee, Coffee beans, Ground Coffee, Inka Paahtimo, Kahvikiitos: Coffees, Roasty and smoky, Very dark roast, Espresso roastIndia Robusta is a strong and rich coffee with nuances of chocolate and spices.From: 10,90€ -
Espresso blend
Artisan Coffee, Chocolaty and nutty, Coffee beans, Ground Coffee, Inka Paahtimo, Kahvikiitos: Coffees, Espresso roastEspresso blend is a soft and rich coffee with nuances of chocolate and nuts.From: 10,90€ -
Earl Grey Blue Flower
Kahvikiitos: Teas, Teas, Théhuone, Flavoured black teaEarl Grey Blue Flower is a Chinese black tea flavored with a citrusy bergamot. This English classic gets its refined touch from cornflower and blue mallow petals. A soft and refined Earl Grey.6,90€ inc. VAT -
Decaffeinated black orange tea
Kahvikiitos: Teas, Teas, Théhuone, Flavoured black tea, Caffeine-free teaDecaffeinated black orange tea is a refined decaffeinated black tea flavored with juicy orange extract. Made from decaffeinated black tea, orange peel and orange blossoms.8,90€ inc. VAT -
Sencha Kura Shizuoka
Kahvikiitos: Teas, Teas, Théhuone, Green teaSencha Kura Shizuoka is a high class, sweetish sencha that gets its fruity aroma from the young sweet leaves. prepared with the Fukamashi-method using higher temperature to brakes the cells of the leaves, making the flavors more powerful.10,90€ inc. VAT -
Go’Morron 6 x 250g
Artisan Coffee, Citrusy and light, Coffee beans, Kaffa Roastery, Light roast, Light-medium roastGo'Morron is one of Kaffa's original coffees, and there's no end to its triumphant success. Some mornings you just have to have another cup. Order size: 6 x 250g57,90€ inc. VATKaffa Roastery is on Christmas holiday 23.12.2024- 1.1.2025. Orders made by 12pm on Thursday 19.12. will be shipped before their vacation. After the holidays, the first shipping date is 2.1.2025. Posti delivery time is 2-4 business days in Finland. For international orders deliveries take a few extra days, please check delivery information from FAQ.
Herra Korppi 6 x 250g
Artisan Coffee, Chocolaty and nutty, Coffee beans, Dark roast, Kaffa Roastery, Espresso roastHerra Korppi - kick and depth, sweetness and richness in one package. For those who know, there are differences in tone even in black. Order size: 6 x 250g57,90€ inc. VATKaffa Roastery is on Christmas holiday 23.12.2024- 1.1.2025. Orders made by 12pm on Thursday 19.12. will be shipped before their vacation. After the holidays, the first shipping date is 2.1.2025. Posti delivery time is 2-4 business days in Finland. For international orders deliveries take a few extra days, please check delivery information from FAQ.
DeKaffa 6 x 250g
Artisan Coffee, Coffee beans, Decaffeinated Coffee, Kaffa Roastery, Medium roast, Spicy and earthyDeKaffa is a decaffeinated coffee for those who love coffee so much they have to have it in the evenings too. Order size: 6 x 250g74,90€ inc. VATKaffa Roastery is on Christmas holiday 23.12.2024- 1.1.2025. Orders made by 12pm on Thursday 19.12. will be shipped before their vacation. After the holidays, the first shipping date is 2.1.2025. Posti delivery time is 2-4 business days in Finland. For international orders deliveries take a few extra days, please check delivery information from FAQ.
Talvirieha 6 x 250g
Artisan Coffee, Chocolaty and nutty, Coffee beans, Kaffa Roastery, Medium roast, Organic coffeeOrganic coffee that will delight you with its deliciousness in the gentle twilight of autumn and winter mornings. Order size: 6 x 250g57,90€ inc. VATKaffa Roastery is on Christmas holiday 23.12.2024- 1.1.2025. Orders made by 12pm on Thursday 19.12. will be shipped before their vacation. After the holidays, the first shipping date is 2.1.2025. Posti delivery time is 2-4 business days in Finland. For international orders deliveries take a few extra days, please check delivery information from FAQ.
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Brazil Organic
Artisan Coffee, Chocolaty and nutty, Coffee beans, Dark roast, Organic coffee, Paahtimo Papu, Espresso roastOlivar Araújo pioneered the production of organic coffee in the Espírito Santo region. This dark roast has a nutty aroma and a slightly sweet aftertaste.
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Brazil Decaf
Artisan Coffee, Chocolaty and nutty, Decaffeinated Coffee, Kahvikiitos: Coffees, Medium roast, Roger's CoffeeThis decaffeinated Brazilian coffee is a great choice for you who wants to enjoy a quality artisan coffee without caffeine. The coffee is medium roast, with decaffeination done using the Swiss water method, so no chemicals are used in the process. The creamy flavour profile has hints of hazelnut and cocoa.From: 10,90€ -
Artisan Coffee, Chocolaty and nutty, Dark roast, Kahvikiitos: Coffees, Kirjalan KahvipaahtimoEthiopian dark roast coffee from Kirjalan Kahvipaahtimo, produced by small coffee farmers in the Yirgacheffe region. Jukola was the roastery's first coffee.From: 11,90€ -
Guji Light
Abi Coffee, Artisan Coffee, Fruity and sweet, Kahvikiitos: Coffees, Light roastGuji is pure, bright and rich with tastes of honey, lime and jasmine.From: 10,90€ -
Ethiopia Mustefa Abakeno
Artisan Coffee, Fruity and sweet, Inka Paahtimo, Light roast, Espresso roastEthiopia Mustefa Abakeno is a light roast Washed coffee with a taste of black tea, gooseberry and sweet lime.From: 12,90€ -
Decaffeinated green strawberry tea
Kahvikiitos: Teas, Teas, Théhuone, Flavoured green tea, Caffeine-free teaThe Decaffeinated green strawberry tea is a delicious green loose leaf tea with strawberry pieces and a natural strawberry extract.8,90€ inc. VAT -
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Hario Skerton Plus coffee grinder
Coffee grindersThe hand cranked Hario Skerton Plus coffee grinder makes an even grind on any level of coarseness you set. The mill is small and very easy to use.39,90€ inc. VAT -
India Robusta Washed
Artisan Coffee, Coffee beans, Dark roast, Ground Coffee, Mokkamestarit, Roasty and smoky, Espresso roastIndia Robusta Washed is a premium class dark roasted robusta coffee gives an espresso strength, softness and a magnificent crema.From: 9,50€ -
Tampere-sekoitus Organic
Artisan Coffee, Coffee beans, Fruity and sweet, Ground Coffee, Light roast, Mokkamestarit, Organic coffeeTampere-sekoitus Organic is a light roasted Fair Trade organic coffee. Apple and nuts in the aroma, balanced mouthfeel.From: 9,50€ -
Frank Green ceramic cup 475ml
Gifts, Tea Equipment, AccessoriesFrank Green ceramic cup is a spacious thermos cup with a stopper. Your drink retains its taste and temperature exactly as you like it - either cold or hot.37,90€ inc. VAT -
Joe Frex Tamping Mat S
AccessoriesThis Joe Frex solid silicone tamping mat is 3mm thick and will protect your worktop from unwanted damage. The silicone is food safe.7,90€ inc. VAT -
Peru Cecanor FTO Cafe Femenino
Artisan Coffee, Chocolaty and nutty, Dark roast, Kahvikiitos: Coffees, Mokkamestarit, Organic coffee, Espresso roastPeru Cecanor FTO Cafe Femenino is an organic and fair trade Café Femenino coffee from Peru. This high quality single origin dark roast coffee has a medium mild body.
Joe Frex Tamping Mat L
AccessoriesThis Joe Frex solid silicone tamping mat in size L is 5mm thick and will protect your worktop from unwanted damage. The silicone is food safe.12,90€ inc. VAT -
Joe Frex Knockbox Basic black
AccessoriesThis robust and attractive knockbox Basic made of hard plastic combines easy handling and problem-free cleaning with originality and stability.23,80€ inc. VAT -
Joe Frex hand grinder
Coffee grinders, AccessoriesConveniently sized hand coffee grinder made of stainless steel, with removable handle and adjustable grinding level. Enjoy fresh coffee everywhere!25,90€ inc. VAT -
Joe Frex Knockbox Metallic S
AccessoriesThis handy and practical knockbox is one of the most popular in its category. PVC insert is dishwasher safe and easy to keep clean.34,80€ inc. VAT -
Espresso 7
Artisan Coffee, Cafetoria Roastery, Coffee beans, Dark roast, Roasty and smoky, Espresso roastEspresso 7 is an authentic Italian espresso and part of the roastery's VIVA ITALIA range, which includes high-quality Italian-style espressos.From: 10,90€ -
Linden Blossom tea
Kahvikiitos: Teas, Teas, Théhuone, Caffeine-free tea, Other tea varietiesLinden Blossom tea is a soft, fresh, high-quality and refined flower tea. This decaffeinated herbal tea is healthy and fitting for having in the evening.6,90€ inc. VAT -
Sencha Lime Strawberry
Kahvikiitos: Teas, Teas, Théhuone, Flavoured green teaSencha Lime Strawberry is a green sencha flavored with strawberries and deliciously sour lime fruit. Perky and fresh flavors deliver the good vibes.6,90€ inc. VAT -
Organic Mimosa
Kahvikiitos: Teas, Teas, Théhuone, White tea, Flavoured green teaOrganic Mimosa is a rich blend of white and green tea with flavors of yellow plum and raspberry.7,50€ inc. VAT -
Matcha-iri Karigane (Gyokuro Kukicha)
Kahvikiitos: Teas, Teas, TeeMaa, Green teaKarigane is made of the stems of a gyokuro tea grown in the shade. A full-bodied and umami-rich tea with slightly roasted nuts feel.12,00€ inc. VAT -
Rooibos Pina Colada
Kahvikiitos: Teas, Teas, Théhuone, Rooibos tea, Caffeine-free teaRooibos Pina Colada is a decaffeinated and healthy South African red bush tea. It has been flavored with coconut chips, pineapple, papaya, cilantro and creamy pineapple-coconut rum extract.6,90€ inc. VAT -
Yirgacheffe Dark
Abi Coffee, Artisan Coffee, Dark roast, Fruity and sweet, Kahvikiitos: CoffeesYou can taste chocolate, brown sugar and blackberry in this dark roast Yirgacheffe. The coffee is available roasted light, medium and dark.From: 10,90€ -
Fresh Ginger
Teas, Théhuone, Caffeine-free tea, Other tea varietiesDecaffeinated, citrusy and fresh herbal tea with lemongrass, liquorice root, ginger, peppermint, lemon peel and black pepper.7,90€ inc. VAT -
Fancy Oolong
Kahvikiitos: Teas, Oolong tea, Teas, ThéhuoneFancy Oolong is a carefully produced oolong. It delights with its beautiful open leaves and its completely unoxidized buds. The tea is very elegant.8,90€ inc. VAT -
Marie Antoinette
Kahvikiitos: Teas, Teas, Théhuone, White tea, Flavoured green teaMarie Antoinette is a delicious and fresh combination of green and white teas from China. Topped with rosebuds and raspberry.9,50€ inc. VAT -
Master Espresso
Artisan Coffee, Chocolaty and nutty, Coffee beans, Dark roast, Ground Coffee, Mokkamestarit, Espresso roastThis Espresso Master quality blend is 100% made of Arabica varieties. Soft and rich blend, in which one can taste flavours of rasberry, flower and caramel.From: 10,00€ -
Organic Ginger Lemongrass
Kahvikiitos: Teas, Teas, Théhuone, Organic tea, Caffeine-free tea, Other tea varietiesOrganic Ginger Lemongrass is a fresh and balanced herbal mix from lemongrass, ginger and a touch of licorice root.7,50€ inc. VAT -
Espresso Amigo
Artisan Coffee, Cafetoria Roastery, Chocolaty and nutty, Coffee beans, Coffee Experience coffees, Dark roast, Ground Coffee, Kahvikiitos: Coffees, Organic coffee, Espresso roastAmigo is a friendly and multifaceted espresso with high ethical principles supporting organic and fair trade as well as harmony with nature. Flavours in this coffee are chocolate, molasses, malt, almond, peach with a orange-like acidity.From: 11,90€ -
Artisan Coffee, Chocolaty and nutty, Coffee beans, Dark roast, Ground Coffee, Nordic Coffee CompanyHertsi is a way of honouring the roaster's neighbourhood of Herttoniemi. The main ingredients are naturally processed quality varieties from Brazil.
Thé Versailles
Teas, Théhuone, White teaIn a garden surrounded by yellow rose buds, enjoy this sweetly crisp white and green tea blend with hints of fresh pear.8,90€ inc. VAT -
Artisan Coffee, Citrusy and light, Kahvikiitos: Coffees, Kirjalan Kahvipaahtimo, Medium roastDiscover fruitiness, citrus and peach notes in this medium-bodied, fresh coffee. Freshness is a characteristic of coffees from the Sidamo region.From: 11,90€ -
Jasmine Silver Needle
Kahvikiitos: Teas, Teas, Théhuone, White teaJasmine Silver Needle is a refined and sweet white tea with a lingering taste. It combines the flavor of jasmine to White Hair Silver Needle tea.10,90€ inc. VAT -
Grapefruit Mango
Kahvikiitos: Teas, Teas, Théhuone, White tea, Flavoured green tea, Other tea varietiesThe refreshing grapefruit, juicy mango and a hint of bergamot make the Grapefruit Mango green and white tea enticing and lightly citrusy.4,90€ inc. VAT -
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Espro Travel Press
French Press, Brewing productsThe busy and active lifestyle of our modern world often keeps us from enjoying a perfect cup of coffee in peace. Espro Travel Press is the solution to this problem — and not any solution, but the product of the year awarded by SCAA (Specialty Coffee Association of America)!42,90€ inc. VAT -
Brazil Espresso Sweet Collection
Artisan Coffee, Chocolaty and nutty, Dark roast, Pirkanmaan PaahtimoAn intensive espresso, which blends the sweetness of dried fruit and balanced citrusy acidity. A creamy mouthfeel.From: 12,50€ -
Artisan Coffee, Café Nazca, Chocolaty and nutty, Dark roast, Organic coffeeThis coffee comes from Nicaragua, and it's a great example of what the collaboration of small farmers can achieve with hard work and dedication.
AccessoriesBamboo stick is a very useful aid in brewing coffee. It is designed to mix coffee grounds in a filter or other machine, such as a french press or Aeropress.3,50€ inc. VAT -
Clever Dripper Transluscent Brown + 100 filter papers
Brewing productsClever Coffee Dripper combines the best sides of both filter coffee and french press coffee. It makes brewing coffee unbelievably effortless.36,90€ inc. VAT -
Sariola decaf dark
Artisan Coffee, Chocolaty and nutty, Dark roast, Decaffeinated Coffee, Kirjalan KahvipaahtimoDecaffeinated Colombian coffee from the Huila area. Available in light and dark roast, depending on your flavour preference! This dark roasted version has a strong chocolate flavour with dark red grape sweetness to spice up your cup.From: 11,90€ -
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Colombia Organic
Artisan Coffee, Dark roast, Organic coffee, Paahtimo Papu, Spicy and earthyThis earthy dark roast, cooperative coffee has a very smooth acidity and a nice fruity taste.
Clever Dripper Transluscent Grey + 100 filter papers
Brewing productsClever Coffee Dripper combines the best sides of both filter coffee and french press coffee. It makes brewing coffee unbelievably effortless.36,90€ inc. VAT -
Clever Dripper Black + 100 filter papers
Brewing productsClever Coffee Dripper combines the best sides of both filter coffee and french press coffee. It makes brewing coffee unbelievably effortless.36,90€ inc. VAT -
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Clever Dripper Red + 100 filter papers
Brewing productsClever Coffee Dripper combines the best sides of both filter coffee and french press coffee. It makes brewing coffee unbelievably effortless.36,90€ inc. VAT -
Clever Dripper Coral Red + 100 filter papers
Brewing productsClever Coffee Dripper combines the best sides of both filter coffee and french press coffee. It makes brewing coffee unbelievably effortless.36,90€ inc. VAT -
Sariola decaf light
Artisan Coffee, Decaffeinated Coffee, Fruity and sweet, Kirjalan Kahvipaahtimo, Light roastDecaffeinated Colombian coffee from the Huila area. Available in light and dark roast, depending on your flavour preference! In the light roasted version you can find nougat, toffee, wild strawberry and nectarine sweetness.From: 11,90€ -
Nepal Masala Chiya
Kahvikiitos: Teas, Teas, Théhuone, Flavoured black teaNepal Masala Chai is a flavored black tea that has anise seeds, heather blossoms, cinnamon, ginger, clove, cardamom, coriander, black pepper and cumin seeds.6,90€ inc. VAT -
Masala Chai
Kahvikiitos: Teas, Teas, TeeMaa, Flavoured black teaMasala Chai is an Indian blend of black tea and spices, which is excellent with milk or cream as a chai latte.7,50€ inc. VAT -
Vanilla Rooibos
Kahvikiitos: Teas, Teas, Théhuone, Rooibos tea, Organic tea, Caffeine-free teaVanilla Rooibos is a soft Rooibos tea that is flavored with pieces of bourbon vanilla and a hint of vanilla extract. A real treat for a fan of vanilla.7,50€ inc. VAT -
Thé Chamomile Relax
Kahvikiitos: Teas, Teas, Théhuone, Caffeine-free tea, Other tea varietiesRelaxing blend of herbal teas with chamomile, black currant leaves, heather flowers, lemon balm, marigold petals and peppermint.5,90€ inc. VAT -
Artisan Coffee, Citrusy and light, Kirjalan Kahvipaahtimo, Light roastThis sweet, light roast coffee, filtered into your cup, will give you a boost for the day with it's notes of jasmine flower, citrus and peach.From: 11,90€ -
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Honduras – Organic Comsa
Artisan Coffee, Chocolaty and nutty, Dark roast, Organic coffee, Paahtimo Papu, Espresso roastOrganic Comsa is very soft coffee, with low acidity and a pleasant chocolate aroma. This espresso roast is ideal as a base for milk coffees.
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Artisan Coffee, Café Nazca, Chocolaty and nutty, Coffee beans, Ground Coffee, Kahvikiitos: Coffees, Medium roast, Medium-dark, Espresso roastMono is from Victor Eduardo Mencía's 85ha coffee plantation Finca Las Mercedes in El Salvador. Find chocolate, toffee and raspberry acidity in the flavour.From: 12,90€ -
Rooibos Organic Blueberry
Kahvikiitos: Teas, Teas, Théhuone, Rooibos tea, Organic tea, Caffeine-free teaRooibos Organic Blueberry is a fresh and fruity red bush tea with blueberries and flowers that will make you think of summer. Includes: rooibos, fennel, honeybush, cornflower petals and blueberry extract.7,50€ inc. VAT -
Artisan Coffee, Chocolaty and nutty, Kirjalan Kahvipaahtimo, Medium roastPlum, walnut and dark chocolate combined in this Brazilian medium roast, full-bodied coffee offer a nice cup to suit any time of day.From: 10,90€ -
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Brazil San Rafael
Artisan Coffee, Chocolaty and nutty, Dark roast, Kahvikiitos: Coffees, Pirkanmaan Paahtimo, Espresso roastThe coffee roast is dark and works well as both espresso and darker filter coffee. The mouthfeel of this nutty coffee is round.From: 10,50€ -
Korea Oolong
Kahvikiitos: Teas, Oolong tea, Teas, ThéhuoneKorea oolong is made from leaves that have been picked during the first week of May. This tea is soft and has a light toasty flavor.9,90€ inc. VAT -
Artisan Coffee, Café Nazca, Chocolaty and nutty, Coffee beans, Ground Coffee, Kahvikiitos: Coffees, Medium roastJacinto Ramirez is a fourth generation coffee farmer. Find flavours of dark berries and chocolate in this sweet Guatemalan coffee.From: 11,90€ -
Espresso Rey
Artisan Coffee, Chocolaty and nutty, Coffee beans, Ground Coffee, Kahvikiitos: Coffees, Mokkamestarit, Espresso roastEspresso Rey is a dark roasted quality espresso blend. Rich and sweet blend, with flavor of black currants and chocolately aftertaste.From: 10,00€ -
Hario Coffee Cold Brew Bottle 65cl Cream
Brewing products, AccessoriesHario Coffee Cold Brew Bottle 65cl is a wine bottle shaped carafe which you can use for brewing cold brew coffee containing less tannin and caffeine.31,90€ inc. VAT -
Guatemala Medium
Artisan Coffee, Chocolaty and nutty, Kahvikiitos: Coffees, Medium roast, Roger's CoffeeGuatemala is a pleasant medium roast coffee with a taste of chocolate and nutty notes. So here's a great coffee for you if you like a full-bodied medium roast!From: 10,90€ -
Hario Coffee Cold Brew Bottle 65cl Brown
Brewing products, AccessoriesHario Coffee Cold Brew Bottle 65cl is a wine bottle shaped carafe which you can use for brewing cold brew coffee containing less tannin and caffeine.31,90€ inc. VAT -
Jeanne D’Arc
Kahvikiitos: Teas, Teas, Théhuone, White tea, Flavoured green teaJeanne D'Arc is a nuanced, fruity and fresh smelling mix of white and green tea that is made with dragon fruit and kiwi pieces among other things.8,30€ inc. VAT -
Geisha Thé
Kahvikiitos: Teas, Teas, Théhuone, Flavoured black tea, Flavoured green teaGeisha Thé combines green tea and black tea. The finest green teas and black teas, colourful flower petals and fruit essence are a base for this full and fruity mixed tea, that is a Geisha-like beauty in all its colour.7,90€ inc. VAT -
Milk Oolong
Kahvikiitos: Teas, Oolong tea, Teas, ThéhuoneMilk Oolong is a soft aromatic Chinese oolong tea variety. Made by steaming the tea with goats milk, which produces the refined vanilla softness of the tea.9,90€ inc. VAT -
Jasmine Dragon Pearl
Kahvikiitos: Teas, Teas, TeeMaa, Flavoured green teaDelightful Jasmine blossom scented green tea from the early spring harvest.12,90€ inc. VAT -
Espro Press P3 Glass French Press
French Press, Brewing productsThe Espro Press P3 Glass Press is the best and most beautiful french press in the world. The press has two patented metallic filters and super durable glass.59,90€ inc. VAT -
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Mexico – Organic Berilo
Artisan Coffee, Chocolaty and nutty, Medium roast, Organic coffee, Paahtimo PapuOrganic medium roast coffee which is moderately acidic and smooth. Has flavours of fruits, nuts and chocolate biscuit in its aroma.
Hario V60 Drip Scale Black
AccessoriesHario V60 Drip Scale Black is a high-quality scale for brewing delicious coffee allowing for precise measurement of extraction quantity and extraction time.64,90€ inc. VAT -
Genmaicha Premium Shizuoka
Teas, Théhuone, Green teaGenmaicha is a traditional Japanese archaic tea with a mix of green sencha tea and roasted rice with a smooth, slightly nutty flavour.5,90€ inc. VAT -
Rasberry Rhubarb Rooibos
Théhuone, Rooibos tea, Caffeine-free teaA fruity and juicy rooibos tea, which delights with its fresh taste. Ingredients: rooibos, elderberry, coconut shavings, raspberry pieces, rose petals and rhubarb.8,90€ inc. VAT -
Mexico Dark
Artisan Coffee, Roger's CoffeeMexican coffees offer original flavour combinations. You'll find chocolate and caramel with a hint of peach.From: 10,90€ -
Black Persimmon
Kahvikiitos: Teas, Teas, Théhuone, Flavoured black teaBlack Persimmon is a fruity and balanced black tea with persimmon.6,90€ inc. VAT -
Fujian Green Monkey
Kahvikiitos: Teas, Teas, Théhuone, Green teaFujian Green Monkey is a classic green tea from the Fujian province in China. The green tea is colored by the light buds. Has a soft, sweet flavor.8,90€ inc. VAT -
Slurp > Products
- Abi Coffee (9)
- Café Nazca (13)
- Cafetoria Roastery (12)
- Inka Paahtimo (22)
- Kaffa Roastery (4)
- Kahwe (7)
- Kirjalan Kahvipaahtimo (9)
- Makea Coffee (6)
- Mokkamestarit (19)
- Nordic Coffee Company (9)
- Paahtimo Papu (7)
- Pirkanmaan Paahtimo (7)
- Roger's Coffee (10)
- Darkroast (5)
- Light-medium roast (6)
- Lightroast (3)
- Light Roast (18)
- Medium Roast (28)
- Dark Roast (46)
- Very Dark Roast (8)
- Very dark roast (2)
- French Roast (1)
Flavour Profile
- Roasty and smoky (14)
- Citrusy and Light (9)
- Fruity and Sweet (29)
- Chocolaty and Nutty (65)
- Spicy and Earthy (12)
Type of Coffee
- Organic (17)
- Single Estate (7)
- Single Origin (50)
- Espresso (47)
- Blend (31)
- Caffeine Free (8)